Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Creating a Flex AIR text editor Part 101

In this tutorial we will upgrade our snippets window by making some minor changes to make the feature more user-friendly.

The first thing well do is fix a little bug with moving snippets. When there are many snippets in different categories, moving them might cause problems with indexes, since the program doesnt check for category ID when searching through all the snippets to move. Fix this by adding another parameter in the first statement in snippetMove():

private function snippetMove(dir:String):void{
var currentPos:int = snippetManageTree.selectedItem.@snippetPosition;
var currentId:int = snippetManageTree.selectedItem.@id;
var newPos:int = (dir == "up")?(currentPos - 1):(currentPos + 1);
var currentCategoryID:int = snippetManageTree.selectedItem.@categoryID;
var currentCategoryPos:int = NaN;

if (currentCategoryID != -1) {
currentCategoryPos = treeData.category.(@id == currentCategoryID).@categoryPosition;

// Databases:

// Set the above categorys position to current one
var stat:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
stat.sqlConnection = snippetConnection;
stat.text = "UPDATE snippets SET snippetPosition=@currentPos WHERE snippetPosition=@newPos AND categoryID=@categoryID"
stat.parameters["@newPos"] = newPos;
stat.parameters["@currentPos"] = currentPos;
stat.parameters["@categoryID"] = currentCategoryID;

// Set the current categorys position to the one above
var stat2:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
stat2.sqlConnection = snippetConnection;
stat2.text = "UPDATE snippets SET snippetPosition=@newPos WHERE id=@currentId"
stat2.parameters["@newPos"] = newPos;
stat2.parameters["@currentId"] = currentId;

// XML:

var copy:XML = new XML();

if(currentCategoryID != -1){
copy = treeData.category[currentCategoryPos].snippet[currentPos].copy();
delete treeData.category[currentCategoryPos].snippet[currentPos];
treeData.category[currentCategoryPos].insertChildBefore(treeData.category[currentCategoryPos].snippet[newPos], copy);
}else {
treeData.category[currentCategoryPos].insertChildAfter(treeData.category[currentCategoryPos].snippet[currentPos], copy);
copy.@snippetPosition = newPos;
treeData.category[currentCategoryPos].snippet[currentPos].@snippetPosition = currentPos;

if(currentCategoryID == -1){
copy = treeData.snippet[currentPos].copy();
delete treeData.snippet[currentPos];
treeData.insertChildBefore(treeData.snippet[newPos], copy);
}else {
treeData.insertChildAfter(treeData.snippet[currentPos], copy);
copy.@snippetPosition = newPos;
treeData.snippet[currentPos].@snippetPosition = currentPos;

snippetManageTree.selectedItem = copy;

Now we will make sure that selected category is expanded when a snippet is added to it, or when it is selected using the combobox control. Also, we will make it so that the text fields and selections are cleared when the user adds a new snippet or category. Lets create 2 functions, expandCategory() and clearSelection() that do this:

private function expandCategory():void {
snippetManageTree.expandItem(treeData.category[categoryCombo.selectedIndex - 1], true);

private function clearSelection():void{
newNameInput.text = "";
newTextInput.text = "";
newCategoryInput.text = "";
bSaveSnippet.enabled = false;
bDeleteSnippet.enabled = false;
bSaveCategory.enabled = false;
bDeleteCategory.enabled = false;
upCategory.enabled = false;
downCategory.enabled = false;
upSnippet.enabled = false;
downSnippet.enabled = false;
snippetManageTree.selectedIndex = -1;

Call these 2 functions in the end of addSnippetXML:

private function addSnippetXML(evt:SQLResult):void {
if (treeData.category.length() == 0 && treeData..snippet.length() == 0) {
treeData = new XMLList(<root></root>);
FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.snippetXML = treeData;
var aSnippet:XML = <snippet/>;
aSnippet.@id = evt.lastInsertRowID;
aSnippet.@label = symbolEncode(newNameInput.text);
aSnippet.@categoryID = categoryCombo.selectedItem.ind;
aSnippet.@snippetPosition = totalItemsIn(categoryCombo.selectedItem.ind);
aSnippet.@isBranch = false;
treeData.category.(@id == categoryCombo.selectedItem.ind).appendChild(aSnippet);
}else {

Call expandCategory() in selectTree() after the lines where we set selectedIndex of categoryCombo:

private function selectTree():void {
bSaveSnippet.enabled = false;
bDeleteSnippet.enabled = false;
bSaveCategory.enabled = false;
bDeleteCategory.enabled = false;
upCategory.enabled = false;
downCategory.enabled = false;
upSnippet.enabled = false;
downSnippet.enabled = false;

if (snippetManageTree.selectedItem.@isBranch == true) {
bSaveCategory.enabled = true;
bDeleteCategory.enabled = true;
upCategory.enabled = canCategoryUp();
downCategory.enabled = canCategoryDown();
newCategoryInput.text = symbolDecode(snippetManageTree.selectedItem.@label);
categoryCombo.selectedIndex = Number(snippetManageTree.selectedItem.@categoryPosition) + 1;
} else {
bSaveSnippet.enabled = true;
bDeleteSnippet.enabled = true;
upSnippet.enabled = canSnippetUp();
downSnippet.enabled = canSnippetDown();
categoryCombo.selectedIndex = treeData.category.(@id == snippetManageTree.selectedItem.@categoryID).@categoryPosition + 1;
if (snippetManageTree.selectedItem.@categoryID == -1) {
categoryCombo.selectedIndex = 0;
var stat:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
stat.sqlConnection = snippetConnection;
stat.text = "SELECT snippetText FROM snippets WHERE id=" + snippetManageTree.selectedItem.@id;
stat.execute( -1, new Responder(loadSnippetText));

And also in changeCategory():

private function changeCategory():void {
if (bSaveSnippet.enabled) {
var stat:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
stat.sqlConnection = snippetConnection;
stat.text = "SELECT * FROM snippets WHERE id=" + snippetManageTree.selectedItem.@id;
stat.execute( -1, new Responder(getSelectedSnippet));

Call clearSelection() in addCategoryXML():

private function addCategoryXML(evt:SQLResult):void {
if (treeData.category.length() == 0 && treeData..snippet.length() == 0) {
treeData = new XMLList(<root></root>);
FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.snippetXML = treeData;
var aCategory:XML = <category/>;
aCategory.@id = evt.lastInsertRowID;
aCategory.@label = symbolEncode(newCategoryInput.text);
aCategory.@categoryPosition = treeData.category.length();
aCategory.@isBranch = true;
var prevLastCategory:XML = treeData.category[treeData.category.length()-1];
treeData[0].insertChildAfter(prevLastCategory, aCategory);
} else
var firstSnippet:XML = treeData[0].snippet[0];
treeData[0].insertChildBefore(firstSnippet, aCategory);
} else {
snippetManageTree.selectedItem = aCategory;

Now we will add a feature which will check if category with the same name exists before creating a new category. If it does exist, warn the user and dont execute code. Change addCategory() by adding a loop which checks the names:

private function addCategory(name:String):void {
var alreadyExists:Boolean = false;
for (var i:int = 0; i < treeData.category.length(); i++) {
if (treeData.category[i].@label == name) {
alreadyExists = true;
if (name != "") {
var stat:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
stat.sqlConnection = categoryConnection;
stat.text = "INSERT INTO categories (categoryName, categoryPosition) VALUES (@categoryName, @categoryPosition);"
stat.parameters["@categoryName"] = name;
stat.parameters["@categoryPosition"] = treeData.category.length();
stat.execute(-1, new Responder(addCategoryXML));
}else {"The name of the category must not be blank!","Oops!");
}else {"A category with this name already exists!");

And thats it! Full SnippetWindow.mxml code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Window xmlns:fx=""
title="Snippet management" type="utility" width="500" height="730"
creationComplete="init();" showStatusBar="false" alwaysInFront="true" resizable="false" backgroundColor="#dddddd">

import mx.controls.Alert;
import mx.core.FlexGlobals;

public var treeData:XMLList;
private var snippetConnection:SQLConnection;
private var categoryConnection:SQLConnection;
private var categories:Array = [];

private function init():void{
this.addEventListener(Event.CLOSING, onClose);

private function onClose(evt:Event):void {
this.visible = false;

public function setValues(xmlData:XMLList, conn1:SQLConnection, conn2:SQLConnection, createNewOnStart:Boolean = false, newText:String = ""):void {
snippetConnection = conn1;
categoryConnection = conn2;
treeData = xmlData;
newTextInput.text = newText;
newNameInput.text = "New snippet name here";
if (newText=="") {
newTextInput.text = "New snippet text here";

private function addSnippet(name:String, text:String):void{
if (name != "" && text != "") {
var stat:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
stat.sqlConnection = snippetConnection;
stat.text = "INSERT INTO snippets (snippetName, snippetText, categoryID, snippetPosition) VALUES (@snippetName, @snippetText, @categoryID, @snippetPosition);"
stat.parameters["@snippetName"] = name;
stat.parameters["@snippetText"] = text;
stat.parameters["@categoryID"] = categoryCombo.selectedItem.ind;
stat.parameters["@snippetPosition"] = totalItemsIn(categoryCombo.selectedItem.ind);
stat.execute(-1, new Responder(addSnippetXML));
}else {"The name and text of the snippet must not be blank!","Oops!");

private function addSnippetXML(evt:SQLResult):void {
if (treeData.category.length() == 0 && treeData..snippet.length() == 0) {
treeData = new XMLList(<root></root>);
FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.snippetXML = treeData;
var aSnippet:XML = <snippet/>;
aSnippet.@id = evt.lastInsertRowID;
aSnippet.@label = symbolEncode(newNameInput.text);
aSnippet.@categoryID = categoryCombo.selectedItem.ind;
aSnippet.@snippetPosition = totalItemsIn(categoryCombo.selectedItem.ind);
aSnippet.@isBranch = false;
treeData.category.(@id == categoryCombo.selectedItem.ind).appendChild(aSnippet);
}else {

private function addCategory(name:String):void {
var alreadyExists:Boolean = false;
for (var i:int = 0; i < treeData.category.length(); i++) {
if (treeData.category[i].@label == name) {
alreadyExists = true;
if (name != "") {
var stat:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
stat.sqlConnection = categoryConnection;
stat.text = "INSERT INTO categories (categoryName, categoryPosition) VALUES (@categoryName, @categoryPosition);"
stat.parameters["@categoryName"] = name;
stat.parameters["@categoryPosition"] = treeData.category.length();
stat.execute(-1, new Responder(addCategoryXML));
}else {"The name of the category must not be blank!","Oops!");
}else {"A category with this name already exists!");

private function addCategoryXML(evt:SQLResult):void {
if (treeData.category.length() == 0 && treeData..snippet.length() == 0) {
treeData = new XMLList(<root></root>);
FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.snippetXML = treeData;
var aCategory:XML = <category/>;
aCategory.@id = evt.lastInsertRowID;
aCategory.@label = symbolEncode(newCategoryInput.text);
aCategory.@categoryPosition = treeData.category.length();
aCategory.@isBranch = true;
var prevLastCategory:XML = treeData.category[treeData.category.length()-1];
treeData[0].insertChildAfter(prevLastCategory, aCategory);
} else
var firstSnippet:XML = treeData[0].snippet[0];
treeData[0].insertChildBefore(firstSnippet, aCategory);
} else {
snippetManageTree.selectedItem = aCategory;

private function updateCategoryCombo():void{
categories = [];
categories.push( { label:"No category", ind: -1 } );
for each (var cat:XML in treeData.category) {
categories.push({label:symbolDecode(cat.@label), ind:cat.@id});
categoryCombo.selectedIndex = 0;

private function totalItemsIn(id:int):int {
var toRet:int;
toRet = treeData.category.(@id == id).children().length();
if (id == -1) {
toRet = treeData.snippet.length();
return toRet;

private function selectTree():void {
bSaveSnippet.enabled = false;
bDeleteSnippet.enabled = false;
bSaveCategory.enabled = false;
bDeleteCategory.enabled = false;
upCategory.enabled = false;
downCategory.enabled = false;
upSnippet.enabled = false;
downSnippet.enabled = false;

if (snippetManageTree.selectedItem.@isBranch == true) {
bSaveCategory.enabled = true;
bDeleteCategory.enabled = true;
upCategory.enabled = canCategoryUp();
downCategory.enabled = canCategoryDown();
newCategoryInput.text = symbolDecode(snippetManageTree.selectedItem.@label);
categoryCombo.selectedIndex = Number(snippetManageTree.selectedItem.@categoryPosition) + 1;
} else {
bSaveSnippet.enabled = true;
bDeleteSnippet.enabled = true;
upSnippet.enabled = canSnippetUp();
downSnippet.enabled = canSnippetDown();
categoryCombo.selectedIndex = treeData.category.(@id == snippetManageTree.selectedItem.@categoryID).@categoryPosition + 1;
if (snippetManageTree.selectedItem.@categoryID == -1) {
categoryCombo.selectedIndex = 0;
var stat:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
stat.sqlConnection = snippetConnection;
stat.text = "SELECT snippetText FROM snippets WHERE id=" + snippetManageTree.selectedItem.@id;
stat.execute( -1, new Responder(loadSnippetText));

private function loadSnippetText(evt:SQLResult):void{
newNameInput.text = symbolDecode(snippetManageTree.selectedItem.@label);
newTextInput.text =[0].snippetText;

private function canCategoryUp():Boolean {
var toRet:Boolean = true;
if (snippetManageTree.selectedItem.@categoryPosition == 0) {
toRet = false;
return toRet;

private function canCategoryDown():Boolean {
var toRet:Boolean = true;
if (snippetManageTree.selectedItem.@categoryPosition == (treeData.category.length()-1)) {
toRet = false;
return toRet;

private function canSnippetUp():Boolean {
var toRet:Boolean = true;
if (snippetManageTree.selectedItem.@snippetPosition == 0) {
toRet = false;
return toRet;

private function canSnippetDown():Boolean {
var toRet:Boolean = true;
if (snippetManageTree.selectedItem.@categoryID != -1 && snippetManageTree.selectedItem.@snippetPosition == (treeData.category.(@id == snippetManageTree.selectedItem.@categoryID).children().length()-1)) {
toRet = false;
if (snippetManageTree.selectedItem.@categoryID == -1 && snippetManageTree.selectedItem.@snippetPosition == (treeData.snippet.length()-1)) {
toRet = false;
return toRet;

private function categoryMove(dir:String):void{
var currentPos:int = snippetManageTree.selectedItem.@categoryPosition;
var currentId:int = snippetManageTree.selectedItem.@id;
var newPos:int = (dir=="up")?(currentPos - 1):(currentPos + 1);

// Databases:

// Set the above categorys position to current one
var stat:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
stat.sqlConnection = categoryConnection;
stat.text = "UPDATE categories SET categoryPosition=@currentPos WHERE categoryPosition=@newPos"
stat.parameters["@newPos"] = newPos;
stat.parameters["@currentPos"] = currentPos;

// Set the current categorys position to the one above
var stat2:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
stat2.sqlConnection = categoryConnection;
stat2.text = "UPDATE categories SET categoryPosition=@newPos WHERE id=@currentId"
stat2.parameters["@newPos"] = newPos;
stat2.parameters["@currentId"] = currentId;

// XML:

var copy:XML = treeData.category[currentPos].copy();
delete treeData.category[currentPos];
treeData.insertChildBefore(treeData.category[newPos], copy);
}else {
treeData.insertChildAfter(treeData.category[currentPos], copy);
copy.@categoryPosition = newPos;
treeData.category[currentPos].@categoryPosition = currentPos;
snippetManageTree.selectedItem = copy;

private function snippetMove(dir:String):void{
var currentPos:int = snippetManageTree.selectedItem.@snippetPosition;
var currentId:int = snippetManageTree.selectedItem.@id;
var newPos:int = (dir == "up")?(currentPos - 1):(currentPos + 1);
var currentCategoryID:int = snippetManageTree.selectedItem.@categoryID;
var currentCategoryPos:int = NaN;

if (currentCategoryID != -1) {
currentCategoryPos = treeData.category.(@id == currentCategoryID).@categoryPosition;

// Databases:

// Set the above categorys position to current one
var stat:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
stat.sqlConnection = snippetConnection;
stat.text = "UPDATE snippets SET snippetPosition=@currentPos WHERE snippetPosition=@newPos AND categoryID=@categoryID"
stat.parameters["@newPos"] = newPos;
stat.parameters["@currentPos"] = currentPos;
stat.parameters["@categoryID"] = currentCategoryID;

// Set the current categorys position to the one above
var stat2:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
stat2.sqlConnection = snippetConnection;
stat2.text = "UPDATE snippets SET snippetPosition=@newPos WHERE id=@currentId"
stat2.parameters["@newPos"] = newPos;
stat2.parameters["@currentId"] = currentId;

// XML:

var copy:XML = new XML();

if(currentCategoryID != -1){
copy = treeData.category[currentCategoryPos].snippet[currentPos].copy();
delete treeData.category[currentCategoryPos].snippet[currentPos];
treeData.category[currentCategoryPos].insertChildBefore(treeData.category[currentCategoryPos].snippet[newPos], copy);
}else {
treeData.category[currentCategoryPos].insertChildAfter(treeData.category[currentCategoryPos].snippet[currentPos], copy);
copy.@snippetPosition = newPos;
treeData.category[currentCategoryPos].snippet[currentPos].@snippetPosition = currentPos;

if(currentCategoryID == -1){
copy = treeData.snippet[currentPos].copy();
delete treeData.snippet[currentPos];
treeData.insertChildBefore(treeData.snippet[newPos], copy);
}else {
treeData.insertChildAfter(treeData.snippet[currentPos], copy);
copy.@snippetPosition = newPos;
treeData.snippet[currentPos].@snippetPosition = currentPos;

snippetManageTree.selectedItem = copy;

private function saveCategory():void {
var currentID:int = snippetManageTree.selectedItem.@id;

var stat:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
stat.sqlConnection = categoryConnection;
stat.text = "UPDATE categories SET categoryName=@categoryName WHERE id=" + currentID;
stat.parameters["@categoryName"] = newCategoryInput.text;

treeData.category[snippetManageTree.selectedItem.@categoryPosition].@label = symbolEncode(newCategoryInput.text);

private function saveSnippet():void {
var currentID:int = snippetManageTree.selectedItem.@id;

var stat:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
stat.sqlConnection = snippetConnection;
stat.text = "UPDATE snippets SET snippetName=@snippetName, snippetText=@snippetText WHERE id=" + currentID;
stat.parameters["@snippetName"] = newNameInput.text;
stat.parameters["@snippetText"] = newTextInput.text;

var currentPos:int = snippetManageTree.selectedItem.@snippetPosition;
var currentCategoryID:int = snippetManageTree.selectedItem.@categoryID;
var currentCategoryPos:int;

if (currentCategoryID != -1) {
currentCategoryPos = treeData.category.(@id == currentCategoryID).@categoryPosition;
treeData.category[currentCategoryPos].snippet[currentPos].@label = symbolEncode(newNameInput.text);
}else {
treeData.snippet[currentPos].@label = symbolEncode(newNameInput.text);


private function deleteSnippet():void {
var currentPos:int = snippetManageTree.selectedItem.@snippetPosition;
var currentId:int = snippetManageTree.selectedItem.@id;
var currentCategoryID:int = snippetManageTree.selectedItem.@categoryID;
var currentCategoryPos:int = NaN;

if (currentCategoryID != -1) {
currentCategoryPos = treeData.category.(@id == currentCategoryID).@categoryPosition;
var totalSnippetsBelow:int;

// Delete from the SQL database
var stat:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
stat.sqlConnection = snippetConnection;
stat.text = "DELETE FROM snippets WHERE id=" + currentId;

// If in a category:
if (currentCategoryID != -1) {

// Delete from the XML
delete treeData.category[currentCategoryPos].snippet[currentPos];

// Increase snippetPosition of all snippets below
totalSnippetsBelow = treeData.category[currentCategoryPos].children().length() - currentPos;

for (var i:int = 0; i < totalSnippetsBelow; i++) {
treeData.category[currentCategoryPos].snippet[currentPos + i].@snippetPosition = currentPos + i;

var snipStat1:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
snipStat1.sqlConnection = snippetConnection;
snipStat1.text = "UPDATE snippets SET snippetPosition=@snippetPosition WHERE snippetPosition=" + (currentPos + i);
snipStat1.parameters["@snippetPosition"] = currentPos + i - 1;


// If in a root tags:
if (currentCategoryID == -1) {

// Delete from the XML
delete treeData.snippet[currentPos];

// Increase snippetPosition of all snippets below
totalSnippetsBelow = treeData.snippet.length() - currentPos;

for (var u:int = 0; u < totalSnippetsBelow; u++) {
treeData.snippet[currentPos + u].@snippetPosition = currentPos + u;

var snipStat2:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
snipStat2.sqlConnection = snippetConnection;
snipStat2.text = "UPDATE snippets SET snippetPosition=@snippetPosition WHERE snippetPosition=" + (currentPos + u);
snipStat2.parameters["@snippetPosition"] = currentPos + u - 1;


// Disable all selection enabled components

bSaveSnippet.enabled = false;
bDeleteSnippet.enabled = false;
bSaveCategory.enabled = false;
bDeleteCategory.enabled = false;
upCategory.enabled = false;
downCategory.enabled = false;
upSnippet.enabled = false;
downSnippet.enabled = false;

private function deleteCategory():void {
var currentID:int = snippetManageTree.selectedItem.@id;
var currentPos:int = snippetManageTree.selectedItem.@categoryPosition;
var totalCategoriesBelow:int;

// Delete category from database

var stat:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
stat.sqlConnection = categoryConnection;
stat.text = "DELETE FROM categories WHERE id=" + currentID;

// Delete all snippets belonging to this category

var stat2:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
stat2.sqlConnection = snippetConnection;
stat2.text = "DELETE FROM snippets WHERE categoryID=" + currentID;
stat2.execute( -1, new Responder(snippetsDeleted));

function snippetsDeleted(evt:SQLResult):void{

// Delete from the xml

delete treeData.category[currentPos];

// Increase categoryPosition of all categories below
totalCategoriesBelow = treeData.category.length() - currentPos;

for (var i:int = 0; i < totalCategoriesBelow; i++) {
treeData.category[currentPos + i].@categoryPosition = currentPos + i;

var stat3:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
stat3.sqlConnection = categoryConnection;
stat3.text = "UPDATE categories SET categoryPosition=@categoryPosition WHERE categoryPosition=" + (currentPos + i);
stat3.parameters["@categoryPosition"] = currentPos + i - 1;

// Disable all selection enabled components

bSaveSnippet.enabled = false;
bDeleteSnippet.enabled = false;
bSaveCategory.enabled = false;
bDeleteCategory.enabled = false;
upCategory.enabled = false;
downCategory.enabled = false;
upSnippet.enabled = false;
downSnippet.enabled = false;


private function changeCategory():void {
if (bSaveSnippet.enabled) {
var stat:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
stat.sqlConnection = snippetConnection;
stat.text = "SELECT * FROM snippets WHERE id=" + snippetManageTree.selectedItem.@id;
stat.execute( -1, new Responder(getSelectedSnippet));

private function getSelectedSnippet(evt:SQLResult):void {
var name:String =[0].snippetName;
var text:String =[0].snippetText;
addSnippet(name, text);

private function symbolEncode(str:String):String {
str = str.replace(/&/g, &);
str = str.replace(/"/g, ");
str = str.replace(//g, );
str = str.replace(/</g, <);
str = str.replace(/>/g, >);
return str;

private function symbolDecode(str:String):String {
str = str.replace(/"/g, ");
str = str.replace(//g, "");
str = str.replace(/</g, <);
str = str.replace(/>/g, >);
str = str.replace(/&/g, &);
return str;

private function labelDecode(obj:XML):String{
return symbolDecode(obj.@label);

private function expandCategory():void {
snippetManageTree.expandItem(treeData.category[categoryCombo.selectedIndex - 1], true);

private function clearSelection():void{
newNameInput.text = "";
newTextInput.text = "";
newCategoryInput.text = "";
bSaveSnippet.enabled = false;
bDeleteSnippet.enabled = false;
bSaveCategory.enabled = false;
bDeleteCategory.enabled = false;
upCategory.enabled = false;
downCategory.enabled = false;
upSnippet.enabled = false;
downSnippet.enabled = false;
snippetManageTree.selectedIndex = -1;

<s:VGroup paddingLeft="5" paddingRight="5" paddingTop="5" paddingBottom="5">
<s:Label text="Snippet creation and management: " />
<s:TextInput id="newNameInput" text="New snippet name" width="240" />
<mx:ComboBox id="categoryCombo" width="240" dataProvider="{categories}" change="changeCategory();" />
<s:TextArea id="newTextInput" width="490" height="200" text="Snippet text" />
<s:Button id="bAddSnippet" label="Add snippet" click="addSnippet(newNameInput.text, newTextInput.text);" />
<s:Button id="bSaveSnippet" label="Save changes" enabled="false" click="saveSnippet();" />
<s:Button id="bDeleteSnippet" label="Delete snippet" enabled="false" click="deleteSnippet();" />
<custom:IconButton id="upSnippet" icon="@Embed(../lib/arrow_up.png)" toolTip="Move up" enabled="false" click="snippetMove(up);" />
<custom:IconButton id="downSnippet" icon="@Embed(../lib/arrow_down.png)" toolTip="Move down" enabled="false" click="snippetMove(down);" />

<s:Label text="" />

<s:Label text="Category creation and management: " />
<s:TextInput id="newCategoryInput" text="New category name" width="490" />
<s:Button id="bAddCategory" label="Add category" click="addCategory(newCategoryInput.text);"/>
<s:Button id="bSaveCategory" label="Save changes" enabled="false" click="saveCategory();" />
<s:Button id="bDeleteCategory" label="Delete category with its contents" enabled="false" click="deleteCategory();" />
<custom:IconButton id="upCategory" icon="@Embed(../lib/arrow_up.png)" toolTip="Move up" enabled="false" click="categoryMove(up);" />
<custom:IconButton id="downCategory" icon="@Embed(../lib/arrow_down.png)" toolTip="Move down" enabled="false" click="categoryMove(down);" />

<s:Label text="" />

<mx:Tree id="snippetManageTree" dataProvider="{treeData}" width="490" height="300" showRoot="false" itemClick="selectTree();" labelFunction="labelDecode" />


Thanks for reading!

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